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Getting Started with a Xylo Development Kit

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VP, Global Research Operations
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Install samna (low-level communications library) following the directions for your OS:
Install Rockpool:
pip install rockpool xylosim bitstruct

See more information and installation options here:


Open a python terminal.

# - Import the Xylo HDK detection function
from rockpool.devices.xylo import find_xylo_hdks

# - Detect a connected HDK and import the required support package
connected_hdks, support_modules, chip_versions = find_xylo_hdks()

connected_hdks will be a list of device objects, for each Xylo HDK you have connected.

support_modules will be a list of python packages, corresponding to each HDK, which provide all the support functions and classes for that connected HDK.

chip_versions will be a list of strings, each one describing the version of Xylo on each connected HDK.

If these lists are empty, the Xylo HDK was not found and you need to debug. Use `lsusb` on a linux machine, or the "System Information" app on Max OS, to see if the device was detected by your computer.

Next steps

This topic was modified 11 months ago 3 times by DylanMuir

VP, Global Research Operations
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Troubleshooting FAQ

If you cannot connect to your Xylo HDK from Rockpool, here are a list of commonly-encountered problems to help you troubleshoot.

  • Do the lights turn on on the Xylo HDK? If not, try a new USB cable, a different USB port, or a different PC.
  • Are you using a USB3.1 compatible cable? Xylo HDK requires USB 3.1 to work. Try a known-good cable; ideally the one shipped with Xylo.
  • Are you using a USB 3.1 compatible port? Xylo HDK requires USB 3.1. Check that Xylo is not connected via a USB 2 hub or USB 2 port. Use <code>lsusb</code> (linux) or System Profiler (Mac OS) to check.
  • If on linux, have you set up your Udev rules correctly? Check the samna installation documentation.
  • Are you using the latest version of samna? You can update by running pip install --upgrade samna && python -x 'import samna' in a terminal.
  • Do you have the latest firmware for your Xylo HDK? Check the firmware downloads and instructions to update.
This post was modified 11 months ago 3 times by DylanMuir

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Hello! Where would I find the firmware upgrades for the Xylo Audio 2? 

VP, Global Research Operations
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The firmware for all our development kits is available here:

For Xylo Audio 2, the firmware is under the directory "XyloAv2TestBoard".

Please check the samna documentation for updating firmware on your device:

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