Hello. I am working with the Xylo Audio 2. I am being prompted to download a firmware upgrade. While I can see in the SAMNA documentation how to use Flasher to perform the installation, I still need to download the image or at least find the name of the version I need to install.
"Please replace the filename in example to the real firmware to run them."
Hi Rogene, the firmware for Xylo Audio 2 can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ugfzbq02qhpar8i/AABvLm6xM4LWWdwRCR-UGt1aa?dl=0
Under the directory "XyloAv2TestBoard".

@dylanmuir I will need a bit more help with the firmware upgrade.
Currently, when I execute:
program_fx3_flash(d, 'motherBoard_0_11_5.img')
Can't open file motherBoard_0_11_5.img, check if it exists or its read permissions
File is empty!
Firmware not valid, abort program fx3 firmware
I get a similar message when I flash the fpga firmware:
program_fpga_flash(d, 'XyloA2TestBoard_1_0_1_1_3.bin')
Can't open file XyloA2TestBoard_1_0_1_1_3.bin, check if it exists or its read permissions
File is empty!
Firmware not valid, abort program fpga firmware
Confirming that both the *.img and *.bin files are located in the same directory that I am running the flasher script in.
You bet ---

Hi @Yudi The file size on the *.img file was rather small - 144 kB. But I downloaded several others to compare and they were all in this range. The *.bin files were bigger - around 1.4 MB. Both have content if I open with the Mac utility, Hex Fiend.
Edited to say that XyloA2TestBoard_1_0_1_1_3 is 1.2 MB and XyloA2TestBoard_1_0_1_1_2 is 1.4 MB, so our file sizes are the same.
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 eich467 staff 1206434 Jul 10 2023 XyloA2TestBoard_1_0_1_1_3.bin
drwxrwxrwx@ 5 eich467 staff 160 Jan 29 18:34 XyloAv2TestBoard
-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 eich467 staff 143517 Jun 30 2023 motherBoard_0_11_5.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 eich467 staff 586 Jan 29 18:45 updateFirmware.py
Got it!
The only way this works is if I give the absolute path to the files.
I can create/write/open/read a text file to the local directory without the full path. I can also open other text files on the system using relative path. So, I have NO idea why these files need me to specify absolute path. I have been developing on this particular Mac and in this IDE for two years now and this has never been needed to find a file. But... I will save that mystery for another day. I am really excited to move to the next step!
Device configuration id: 15
Reading fx3 info from flash
product Id: 5bc2
Fx3 firmware version: 0, 11, 5
Reading fpga info from flash
product Id : 5bc2
configuration Id : 15
Fpga firmware version : 1, 1, 3

I am running the code inside VSCode.
I have been developing on this particular machine and with this IDE for over two years, and have developed in Python on other machines for over 15 years - never had this issue with absolute path being a requirement.
I tested my theory first by creating, writing, opening, reading text files to both the local directory and elsewhere in the file system using relative path. They worked fine (as they always have). But I could not open the *.img and *.bin files with anything but absolute path.
In any case, I am glad to be up and running, and I will leave that mystery for another time.
I will also mention - in case someone else gets stuck - that it was necessary to power cycle the device after installing the firmware.
Thanks for your help tonight!