My understanding is that Specksim offers a simulation capability to explore performance without having hardware to run on. Does it offer energy and latency estimates? Or is the performance assessment whether your network is compatible and the associated SNN activity you would see if running inference?

Dear Craig,
The I am afraid the Specksim simulator does not offer energy or latency estimates. It also does not check whether the network is compatible. It is designed to test the model performance, when the data is processed in an event-by-event fashion (as opposed to the timestep based processing that sinabs.Network/sinabs.DynapcnnNetwork offers).
We currently require the chip to be present in order to measure the power consumption and latency. However to check the compatibility of your model to our hardware you can use the following method:
DynapcnnNetwork.is_compatible_with(device_type: str) where device_type is the name of the chip.
A tip I could give you on estimating the power consumption and latency is to use the sinabs library features to measure the number of synaptic operations. The lower the the number of synaptic operations, the lower the latency/power consumption will be. For this we use the SNNAnalyzer tool. An example guide on how to measure/reduce this can be found in the following link:
If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out.

@craigvineyard Btw, where can we find the 'examples/mnist/' ? Thanks!